severe weather

10 best and worst U.S. cities for driving in bad winter weather

Certain cities are safer when factoring rainy, icy, or snowy winter weather conditions into collision frequency. These are the top 10 safest and most hazardous cities to drive in during bad weather based on the 2015 Allstate America's Best Drivers Report. 


1. Kansas City, KS: 39.1 inches of precipitation, 24.8% less likely to crash

2. Cape Coral, FL: 55.9 inches of precipitation, 21% less likely to crash

3. Brownsville, TX: 27.4 inches of precipitation, 24.6% less likely to crash

4. Boise, ID: 11.73 inches of precipitation, 23.5% less likely to crash

5. Madison, WI: 37.3 inches of precipitation, 18.2% less likely to crash

6. Huntsville, AL: 54.3 inches of precipitation, 14.7% less likely to crash

7. Fort Collins, CO: 15 inches of precipitation, 21.1% less likely to crash

8. Port Saint Lucie, FL: 63.7 inches of precipitation, 11.8% less likely to crash

9. Cary, NC: 47.4 inches of precipitation, 13.8% less likely to crash

10. Montgomery, AL: 52.8 inches of precipitation, 12.4% less likely to crash


Most Dangerous:

1. Boston, MA: 43.8 inches of precipitation, 157.7% more likely to crash

2. Worcester, MA: 48.1 inches of precipitation, 120.7% more likely to crash

3. Baltimore, MD: 42.4 inches of precipitation, 113.9% more likely to crash

4. Washington, D.C.: 43.5 inches of precipitation, 106.3% more likely to crash

5. Springfield, MA: 44.7 inches of precipitation, 93.1% more likely to crash

6. Providence, RI: 47.2 inches of precipitation, 87.4% more likely to crash

7. Glendale, CA: 23.3 inches of precipitation, 79.4% more likely to crash

8. Los Angeles, CA: 13.9 inches of precipitation, 63.3.% more likely to crash

9. San Francisco, CA: 38.3 inches of precipitation, 65% more likely to crash

10. Philadelphia, PA: 48.5 inches of precipitation, 64.4% more likely to crash

Traveling at slower speeds, allowing yourself more time to get to your destination, and increasing your following distance while driving can lower your risk of collision in bad weather conditions.

Read more here.

How to make repairs and rebuild wisely following storm damage

From wildfires in California to tropical storms and hurricanes on the East Coast, extreme weather is happening all over the country, and damage should be dealt with properly.

With the threat of tropical storms, hurricanes, and other severe summer weather upon us, it is important to know how to repair and rebuild any resulting damage. These repairs should be made as soon as possible after a natural disaster, but should also be done in a smart and safe manner. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends taking the time to consult with your insurance agent about coverage, as well as contacting local officials and carefully choosing a contractor when planning a project. 

Click here to read some tips for rebuilding and remodeling your home after a natural disaster.